About Us


Join Us

Volunteers make all the difference! We are always looking for help with our programs and people who may want to join our board or a committee.

Right now we especially need One to One volunteer tutors. If you have 2 hours a week during school hours to read one-on-one with young students and a desire to make a difference in the lives of children in your community, the One to One children’s literacy program needs you.

Email: literacymerritt@gmail.com for more information about volunteer opportunities.

One to One gives students the opportunity to practice their reading skills with a caring, patient adult. This one-on-one time increases their self-confidence, reading fluency and comprehension, and their chance of success at school and in life.

Tutors read with 3 students for 30 minutes each at a local elementary school once a week, for 10-12 weeks. They develop a relationship with their students and see them grow as readers. Many volunteer tutors feel it is the most rewarding volunteer experience.

Volunteers attend a 2-3 hour training session and a school orientation before their tutoring sessions begin. Training sessions will be offered in October. For more information, or to register, email literacymerritt@gmail.com or call 250.378.7844.